Saying NO! To Hate & Racism

Saying NO! To Hate & Racism


In the shadow of the horrific and devastating violence that occurred in London, ON (News Story Here), we, the Church, have to step up and act by shining Christ’s love and light on anti-Muslim bigotry. We need to pray, to be sure. But those prayers must also be met with peaceful steps of action that respond to this unconscionable violence and evil with a resounding 'NO'.

This is not a call to activism per se. This is a call to be a more fulsome expression of the Body of Christ. Jesus provides an example of love for all, and commands that we do the same (Matthew 22:36-40.) But love is not only an emotion we feel for individuals, it is the basis and fuel for action. If we truly love our neighbour, it stands to reason that we must act when our neighbour comes under attack.

God's love never fails (1 Cor 13), but too often our love does. It fails each time there is an act of racism or hatred perpetrated and we remain silent. In those moments, when we choose not to speak up, to pray, to advocate for change and to educate ourselves and our sphere of influence, we are complicit. Our love does fail at times, and we have the power to change that.

Imagine for a moment you are out for a walk on a summer evening, you are walking in a safe place with your family, obeying the laws and generally demonstrating kindness to those in your community. Then a truck comes into view at high speed jumps the curb and your entire family is murdered. You are later told the truth. The attack was not random, it was not an accident. You and your family were targeted because of your beliefs and what you look like.

Imagine that.

A young boy will wake-up to that reality. He will not imagine it; he will have to live with it.

This is the evil of bigotry and racism. This is where bigotry and racism lead.

We have more ways than ever to peacefully make our voices heard. We can talk to our families, speak with our children and co-workers about the realities of hatred and racism.

We can engage in thoughtful dialogue online and make posts on social media. We can take steps in our own lives to demonstrate Christ-like, action-oriented love to everyone, and to our neighbours in the Muslim community in particular at this time.

Let's get together on this and decide in our hearts to take some step of action, right now. Today.

I AM HERE: A Poem About Privilege

I AM HERE: A Poem About Privilege